Thursday, May 10, 2007

5-10-07 WOD


21-15-9 reps of:

Deadlift 225 (Rx)
Intro to the Deadlift, Mark Rippetoe - video [wmv] [mov]

Handstand push-ups

If the load is too much under any partitioning scheme, reduce it. If you need help with the handstand push-up, take it in any manner you can get it. If the handstand push-up (HSPU) is clearly beyond your current capacity, substitute a standing dumbbell shoulder press (hip and leg free). Though a less functional press, the standing shoulder press is a closer simulation to the HSPU than the more functional push-press or jerk. The point is that there's a manageable substitution for this workout for everyone that preserves both its mechanical and metabolic characteristics - this will be "your Diane." (From CrossFit HQ)

Post time and any needed modifications to comments.


Soft and Crumply said...

Time 7:38
D/L w 135/lbs
Presses with 35lb DBs.

Chuck said...

Can't make it in today so I took "Diane" home with me.

Moderate soreness from yesterday.

Warm-up 6 rounds jump rope 3:1 W:R
Stretch between rounds

Time 13:52
DL as Rx
HSPU with legs over wall rack
poor ROM not very CF of me. Should have subbed push-press.

Unknown said...

Time 8:30
D/L 65lbs
Presses 35lb bar

Time 8.10
D/L Rx
Presses 75lb bar