Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8-28-07 WOD

For Time

21 Thrusters (M25lb DB or 45lb BB, W 10lb DB or PVC)
15 Thrusters
9 Thrusters


Joerunner said...


18:31 with the extra 1600m

Could do more weight for the thrusters.

chet said...

26:17 and yes I'm gonna make excuses... after hockey and the state fair. Just thankful that I didn't puke up cheese curds.

chet said...

maybe I'm just plain slow

trackster said...

8:59/13:09 with the 1600m, ran on pavement with 2 min. improvement from last attempt

powder said...

Did "Fran" workout, 5:39 w/65# thruster

Brian said...


Chuck said...

Stuck at a mgmt retreat in northern WI since monday. Facility is great but i am going nuts trying to sit in a chair all day. There are some dumbells here though.
Got to work out yesterday and today sometime between the sitting, drinking and eating.


3 rounds about 21 minutes

1/4+ mile run
10 shoulder press 35# DBs
10 snatch 35# DB each side
10 thrusters


Warm-up with 5 rounds jump rope

21-15-9-3 done with 35# DBs

Burpee hang squat clean thrusters
DB swing
Double unders

about 25 minutes

Got another gut here to drink the kool-aid. It was great.

CrossFit Minnesota said...

Got another "gut", huh? Luv ya Schmuck!