Tuesday, September 4, 2007

9-4-07 WOD

Okay, enough of this vacation stuff!!

"The Dirty Thirty"

Complete the following for time:

30 box jumps
30 jumping pull-ups (for fun, try regular pull-ups!!)
30 kettlebell swings (M:35#/W:20#)
30 walking lunge steps
30 knees to elbows
30 push press (M:45#/W:30#)
30 back extensions
30 wall ball shots (20#/12# ball/10' shot)
30 burpees (ughhh!!)
30 double unders or 150 skips


Brian said...

27:21 (situps k to e, superman)

Lucky7 said...

23:08 Rx

Chuck said...

24:16 as Rx. Wasn't too happy with my time until I looked at the archives. I cut 2:30 off my time. I doubt I can keep doing that but it does show the value of posting your times so that you can compare.

Joerunner said...

About 22:30, forgot to start watch.

trackster said...

14:31 Rx

powder said...

21:31 rx