Thursday, October 18, 2007

10-19-07 WOD

Navy SEAL Lt. Michael Murphy will receive the Congressional Medal of Honor (MOH), our nation's highest honor, on October 22, 2007.


For time:

1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run

**This WOD was completed by Lt. Murphy wearing 20# body armor! If you have a weighted vest or body armor, wear it.


blackstone said...
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Joshua Hanevik said...

Concept 2 (level 5)
as RX
Time - 1:02:00

Brian said...

1:44:06 RX

Lucky7 said...

44:21 Rx

trackster said...

29:30 as Rx (row 1600m level 5, ran 1 mile)

blackstone said...

34:00 minutes.

Chuck said...

51:54 Rx