Tuesday, October 2, 2007

10-2-07 WOD


For Time:

- Squat

- Medicine Ball Push-Ups 20x

- Plate Shakes 20x

- Heavy Kettlebell Swings 20x

- Box Jumps 20x

- Burpees 20x

- GHD Sit-Ups 20x

- Wall Ball 20x

- 20lb Thrusters 20x

- Double-Unders 20x

- Standing Broad Jump 20x

- Back Extensions 20x

* Note: You can't move on to the next exrecise until all 20 reps are completed.


Lucky7 said...


Unknown said...

I dunno, 15 mins something.
But I don't care because this one was fun!
I love ones like this, where you are never on a move long enough to dislike it :)

Soft and Crumply said...

Mark: 14:22

Joshua Hanevik said...

as RX
Time - 21:54