Monday, April 21, 2008

4-21-08 WOD

The other day my 6 year old asked me, "Who is the strongest man in the world?". I don't know if he is really the strongest man in the world, but Greg Amundson from CrossFit Santa Cruz popped into my head right away as someone with awesome functional strength to show him. I showed him a picture of Greg and he said, "Oh ya. That guy looks strong."

As far as functional strength goes, Greg is pretty damn strong.

From CrossFit North Santa Cruz

“Ode to Amundson”
7 thrusters, 7 pullups x 3, then run 800
5 thrusters, 5 pullups x 3, then run 800
3 thrusters, 3 pullups x 3, then run 800


Soft and Crumply said...

22:55 Rx 95lbs

CrossFit Minnesota said...

While 95lbs is a substantial load (and Rx for "Fran") the Rx load for this workout is higher than your regular "Fran". Guys at 115lbs and women at 95lbs. Not sure if the lunch crew got this?

Either way Soft and Crumply, that is a killer time. You had great form and range of motion throughout. Nice work. Soft and Crumply is back!

CrossFit Minnesota said...

....I also think 115lbs is well within your range and would not have impacted your time to severly.

Styx said...
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Styx said...

25:13 (95#)

Danny said...

22:16 RX (115lbs.)

Anonymous said...

22:26 (a measly 45#)
My first "official" crossfit