Thursday, April 3, 2008

4-3-08 WOD

Complete each of the following exercises individually for time. Rest no more than five minutes between exercises.

Row 500m
Run 800m
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 Abmat sit-ups


Styx said...

500m Row: 1:35 (I am proud of that)
800m Run: 2:27
100 Sit-Ups: 4:13
100 Push-Ups: 3:13
100 Pull-Ups: 10:04....(ouch....!)

Danny said...

500m Row 1:39
800m Run 2:10??
100 Sit-Ups around 4
100 push-ups 4:34
100 Pull-ups around 6:30

BillRod said...

danny are you trying to say you run a mile in just over 4:20? I dont think the summer olympic teams are set if you want to try out...