Friday, April 25, 2008

Midwest Challenge Part II

For those participating in the secnd half of our version of the Midwest CrossFit Challenge

Friday 4-25-08
"Hopper" Style WOD

Saturday 4-26-08
4K Run


Danny said...

5 rds

15- 95lbs Thruster
25 Burpees

This sucked.... 22 and change

E-Train said...

5 rds
75# SDLHP (15 reps)
25 Burpees

19 minutes and change....I think....

Yes, this did suck!

Styx said...

5 Rds
7 - 225 Deadlift
25 - Burpees

24 + Change.....and lets not forget the 500M Row Challenge.

Danny and I were neck and neck...with rubber legs to boot. 1:35

Styx said...

Has anyone done the 4K yet?

Anonymous said...

5 rds
25 - 35# KB
35 - Air Squats

17+ min

danny and styx are my heroes...had the toughest picks

Kped said...

Finially a day without pain.

Soft and Crumply said... that you??

CrossFit Minnesota said...

The 4k is TODAY!!