Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6-7-08 WOD

Complete each of the following exercises individually for time.
Rest no more than 3 minutes between exercises. They may be done in any order.

Row 500m
Run 800m
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 Abmat sit-ups


Styx said...

800m Run - 3:09
500m Row - 1:42
100 AbMat - 6:30
100 Pull (Rx) - 7:04
100 Push (Rx) - 5:28

E-Train said...

800m Run - 3:09
500m Row - 2:10
100 Abmat -3:39
100 Pullup (jumping) - 4:53
100 Pushup (RX) - 5:10