Thursday, March 27, 2008

3-27-08 WOD

4 rds

400M for time
3 minute break between rounds

(you should have three separate times)


150 Wallball for time


Soft and Crumply said...

150 wall ball: 11:03
Did a muscle up with witnesses!!!!

Lano said...

I like the photos!

Danny said...

:58, 1:01, 1:05, 1:09 400's and 9:30 for the 150 wall balls

BillRod said...

Damian I would remeasure your 400 Meter track or get a new stop watch, danny is slow as hell, and there is no way he ran a sub 60 second 400

trackster said...

400's: :54, :58, 1:01, 1:03
Wallball: roughly 9 1/2