Wednesday, April 16, 2008

4-16-08 WOD - Painstorm Day 1

Who's to blame for the idea of Painstorm this week? BillRod - aka "Game Time"! Don't get too mad. He does live in Iowa after all.

"Pick Your Poison"

At each level pick one exercise and do the number of reps required.

For Time:

Sprint 200 M or 20 Double Unders

20 MB Clean Thrusters - or 40 Wall Balls

20 Clapping Push-ups or 40 Burpees

Run 400 M or 40 Double Unders

10 Bear Complex (Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press/Jerk, Back Squat, Push Press/Jerk at 65# men/45# women)

5 Muscle ups or 25 Pull ups and 25 Dips

Run 600 M or 60 Double Unders

15 HSPU or 40 Shoulder Press @ 50% Body Weight

20 Pistols (10 each leg) or 30 Broad Jumps for Distance

Row 600 M or 60 Double Unders

30 Knees to Elbows or 75 Sit ups

15 Clapping (aka flying) Pull ups or 40 Kipping Pull ups

Run 400 M or 40 Double Unders

15 L-Pull ups or 25 Kipping and 25 Leg raises

20 Floor Wipers or 50 Hanging knee tucks

Row 250M or 20 Double Unders

30 185lbs. Snatch Grip Deadlift or 45 185lbs. Clean Grip (Standard) Deadlift (115#women)

Farmer's Walk 50M or Bear Walk 100M


the flying scotsman said...

Seems kinda complicated when all we really want to do is work hard enough that pukie the clown knocks on the door. I think I need an admin asst to keep it all straight...;)

CrossFit Minnesota said...

I'm your Admin Assistant! Happy to help anyway I can. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Man..I miss the fun stuff..I will be back next week :)

BillRod said...

Painstorm baby! only 3 days left

BillRod said...

And as for the Iowa comment... you are lucky I dont beat up the elderly... I wouldnt want you to break your hip like you did your back.

Peter said...


Styx said...

This was not nearly as bad as I thought. I hate to admit it but the variety of exercises, and having some choice to do one thing or another...GOOD TIMES!!!!

1:05 and change.

Chuck said...

I'm draggin' after this one. Pull-ups still kill my times (excuse #1). The only thing south of my time is Iowa :) Bring it on Billy!


Styx said...

Actually Chuck...I am the only thing South of your time between you and Billy : (

No, no, good times.....GOOD TIMES!!!

Soft and Crumply said...


Momrod said...

It wasn't so bad until my shins cramped up for 5 hours last night. Not more comments about the more mature crossfitters!