Tuesday, June 10, 2008

6-10-08 WOD

12- thrusters, 12 cleans, run 400
08- thrusters, 08 cleans, run 400
04- thrusters, 04 cleans, run 400
Men use 135#, women use 95#

This should be cool. Compliments of CrossFit North Santa Cruz http://crossfitnsc.com/


E-Train said...

The E-train blew through Awesometown with a time of 10:50

Thruster/clean = 65#

Lucky7 said...

16:27 or something
135# Rx

Peter said...

The Dr. is in.
19:15 RX

Anonymous said...

17:49 (95#)

Minxy said...

14:01 for the sheriff of Awesometown.... (45#)

Soft and Crumply said...

15:31 95lb

Anonymous said...

9:20 using just the 45# bar. Need lighter weight until I perfect my form, right on.