Tuesday, July 15, 2008

7-15-08 WOD

7 Rounds for Time:

5 Overhead Squats - (M135lb./W95lb.)

5 Muscle-ups

(if you don't have a muscle-up, sub 3 Pullups + 3 Dips per muscle-up)


Soft and Crumply said...

22:30 95lb OHS, actual made 2 rounds of muscle ups.

Peter said...

19:47 (115#) pullups and dips

E-Train said...

16:32 (45#) pullups/dips

Dang, do I need to work on that shoulder flexibility!

Styx said...

22:43 (85#) and 2 rds of Ring and 5 rds of Box Dips

Anonymous said...

CFWU X3 (sans ohs, pu & dips)

all sets after 3rd round were broken

-Sauk Rapids-

Minxy said...

16:10 (35# jumping pullups/ dips)

Anonymous said...

28:43 +/-

75#/Pull-ups/Assisted Ring Dips