Thursday, September 25, 2008

9-25-08 WOD

An oldie but a goodie!

Machines? We don't need no stinkin' machines!

"Pick Your Poison" - A prep for's coming!

At each level pick one exercise and do the number of reps required.

For Time:

Sprint 200 M or 20 Double Unders

20 MB Clean Thrusters - or 40 Wall Balls

30 Paralette Push-Ups or 40 Burpees

Run 400 M or 40 Double Unders

5 Muscle ups or 25 Pull ups and 25 Dips

Run 600 M or 60 Double Unders

15 HSPU or 40 Shoulder Press @ 50% Body Weight

20 Pistols (10 each leg) or 30 Broad Jumps for Distance

Row 600 M or 60 Double Unders

30 Knees to Elbows or 75 Sit ups

40 Kipping Pull ups or 60 Jumping Pull-Ups

Run 400 M or 40 Double Unders

15 L-Pull ups or 25 Kipping and 25 Leg raises

Row 250M or 20 Double Unders


Anonymous said...


Just the "calm" before the storm

Kped said...


Dawn said...


Steve said...

61 minutes - wow I suck. Sorry, teammates.

I will buy a jumprope this weekend and fix my double-under problem.

Elizabeth said...

steve, it isn't your fault you have to sneak up on that jump rope! at least you have those synchronized pull-ups down!

Lisa/Liz 54:07

Patrick said...


I had a great partner on this one.

Steve said...

Haha Liz, it was fun doing pullups with you. We should do that more often.