Monday, October 6, 2008

10-6-08 WOD

45 kipping pull-ups in a row. Yes, 45! Actually 45, drop down grab some chalk and hammer out the last 5 for 50 dead hang kipping pull-ups in one minute and :28. Krystal is sooo close to her first that I am willing to bet it will happen this week! If there is anyone to ask for pull-up advice it is Aaron. I'll say it again, 45.

Row (cals)
Push Press


Dawn said...

Wow, Way to go Aaron, that is awesome!!!!

Steve said...

...what is a dead-hang kipping pullup? Aren't those terms mutually exclusive?

BTW, I wasn't shamming this morning, I am in Pensacola at a Navy base for a flight physical. (Because assuming this physical goes OK, the USMC will be sending me to flight school after I commission) I fly back on Wednesday, so I will be there and ready to get some on Friday.

Jeff said...

45! I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Go Aaron! Pull-up master!

Danny said...

Holy crap nice job Aaron that is sweet!!!!

Elizabeth said...

you are amazing, aaron! look out, though, krystal is right on your tail!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the kind words!!

Check out the "Adrian teaches" and "Kipping pullups" series' on the HQ website for a great start to mastering those kipping pullups!

Under the "Crossfit Exercises" section

Lano said...

45 is bad to the bone!

Kped said...


Way to go A Dog!

Lucky7 said...

That's all fine and dandy Aaron, but the real test is... how much can you bicep curl while checking yourself out in the mirror?

CrossFit Minnesota said...

He can curl enough to get a good "pump" prior to a night of clubbing. That is all that matters.

Lano said...

Blackstone tells me he uses light weight curls to get a more "serious pump" preclub.

Sounds like a sham to me though