Friday, November 14, 2008

11-14-08 WOD

Failure! If you have noticed that has been a theme this week. Too many of us are working to the "extremely uncomfortable" stage and never really reaching failure.

We did this with deadlifts and presses this week and saw a ton of new personal records! You should all be proud. Only by reaching your limits will you learn what you need to do to grow.

One more day:
Row 500M (remain consistent at 90% effort, and shoot for a consistent time for all 500M rows),
Rest and Recover at least 1 minute
Max Pull-Ups (To failure)

Row 500M
Rest and Recover at least 1 minute
Max Push Ups

Row 500M
Rest and Recover at least 1 minute
Max K2E

Row 500M
Rest and Recover at least 1 minute
Max Air Squats


Anonymous said...

1:50/47 pullups
1:51/56 pushups
1:51/10 K2E
1:48/41 Squats

Anonymous said...

2:22/15 pullups
2:22/35 pushups
2:19/72 situps
2:20/43 squats

Jeff said...

20 pullups
57 pushups
16 knees to elbows
91 squats

All rows were around 1:58-2:02

jlbullard1 said...

2:02/19 pullups
2:03/47 pushups
2:01/20 knees to elbows
1:59/70 squats

Elizabeth said...

1:58/12 pullups
2:07/25 pushups
2:08/10 K2E
2:07/145 squats

Minxy said...

3 kipping (with quite a few swings in between because I am cool)
30 push ups
12 K2E
50 squats

Rows were between 2:12 and 2:17...

CrossFit Minnesota said...

It should be noted that 12 pull-ups is off for Elizabeth. She got the "stigmata" rips on her hands last week during "Angie" and took it easy on her pull-ups. She is more of a 20+ type of gal.

I gotta say that Christina, KO and Minxy really impressed us. No turning back now!