Tuesday, November 25, 2008

11-25-08 WOD

Max Rds 20 minutes

Row 250M
20 Box Jumps
10 Push-Ups


Dawn said...

7 rounds, this kicked my Ass...If it weren't for Sally I probably would have only got 6!

Lano said...

7 rounds. Zip it Charlie...

Charlie M said...


Anonymous said...

9 rounds

Peter said...

8 + row

Anonymous said...


Patrick said...

8 rounds + row and push ups

Kped said...

7 + 1/2 Row

Minxy said...

Almost 7....

Kped said...

I gotta say, this was pretty tough.

Dawn said...

This was tough. My first thought was oh a 250 row, I can handle that... riiiiiight..with box jumps after...yeah, that's what got me.

Lano said...

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury... ex zip it A!