Friday, October 24, 2008


5 rounds for time:

20 wallball
10 dumbell cleans (50% bodyweight goal)

Then 800M for time


Joshua Hanevik said...
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Joshua Hanevik said...

Hey Damian -

I will start doing CrossFit again if you include WODs like this one.

Rogue Fitness WOD

Brandon said...


I ran into someone here from Rogue Fitness, she failed the PT test...

Keep on doing what your doing.

Brandon said...

but in all fairness, so did 18 other people from our class...None from CF MN though!

Steve said...

Good to see you around, Brandon! 18 people failed of how many people total?

Patrick said...


So i see that you can still post o the blog but you have been shamming lately in the morning. What's up with that.

Patrick said...

20:20 (35#'s) 3:20 on 800

Elizabeth said...

18:xx (25#)
4:16 on the 800

Steve said...

Work and homework have been busy beyond belief. I had to be into the office early this morning to be ready to deal with any issues that might come up from a 16-hour network cut I did yesterday.

I am going to try to get the WOD in later today, and going to do my best to be there Wednesday.

Kped said...

4 rds (40#) DNF 5 rds..


Anonymous said...

16:xx (15, 1-20)
3:xx on 800

CrossFit Minnesota said...

Brandon rules!!

Brandon said...


Thats 18 plus the previously mentioned 1 for a total of 19/42.

Drove by the officer basic course yesterday...looks like they are all ready for you.