Wednesday, May 30, 2007

5-30-07 WOD

For time:
95 pound Thruster, 21 repsRun 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 18 repsRun 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 repsRun 400 meters

Thruster Tutorial: [mov][wmv]


Soft and Crumply said...

Mark: 13:31
First 2 sets of thrusters per Rx, last set with (2) 35lb KB's.

JaHo said...

James: 13:05, as RXed

That worked me over something fierce, especially after doing HQ's 10x100m sprints yesterday.

It was good to meet everybody and see the gym. I'll definitely make the trek out there more often once the marathon is finished.

Lano said...
