Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What should I eat?

In order to maximize your results, you need to also take your diet seriously. Some people are fanatical about their workouts, but neglect what they eat. This will never allow you to maximize your results or performance. Others are almost religious about what and when they eat. This will undoubtedly get you results, but it may be hard to live with over the long haul. Rare are the individuals that can maintain a strict diet for a lifetime. This will lead to the infamous "falling off of the wagon."

Our advice is to follow a healthy diet that enables you to optimize not only your workouts, but have the energy to lead a happy healthy life. Unless you are one of the rare individuals with a hyper sense of discipline (or if you are training for an event) we also advise you to set a diet that you can live with for the rest of your life.

Here is a good starting point when setting your diets: http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/start-diet.html

Remember, we don't look at our diets as a way to drop "that last 10lbs"! Your diet is merely fuel for the machine that is your body!


Soft and Crumply said...

For the first time I wrote out what I ate for a day, here is yesterday. Uh oh.. I see room for improvement.

BREAKFAST: Diet Mnt Dew and Ensure Protein drink,
SNACK: Large chocolate muffin, Diet Mtn Dew
LUNCH: Chicken Parm, with pasta and bread stick, Diet Mtn Dew
SNACK: Heath bar and water
SNACK: Two packages of peanut butter crackers and Diet Mtn Dew.
SNACK: couple handfuls of chocolate chips
DINNER: Tri Tip steak, hasbrowns and spinach.
Desert: Ice cream
SNACK: Gold Fish crackers.
SNACK: Gummie Bears.

CrossFit Minnesota said...

Gummie Bears??? Have you no shame?

*note to self: buy stock in Diet Mnt. Dew*

Unknown said...

For those of you who are really interested in tracking your food easily, open an account with fitday.com.
Its really easy to put in your daily foods and activities, and it gives you a nice report so you can track your progress.

Joerunner said...

I tried to open an account on
fitday.com, but the website was dimantled after some guy tried to open account, listing gummie bears and mtn dew as his main source of nourishment. I really think it was the handfuls of chocolate chips.

Soft and Crumply said...

Hardy har har....