Wednesday, May 28, 2008

5-28-08 WOD

5 Rounds For Time

25M Kettlebell Bear Walk
25 Overhead Walking Lunges (ea. leg) [wmv][mov]
25 One Arm Swings (ea. arm)


Minxy said...

GRRR (that is me growling like a bear...) 5 rounds 33:06

(kettlebell 30 lbs for 3 rds and 20 lbs for last 2 rds)

Styx said...

I did 4 rounds in a little over 30:00. 44# Kettle Bell, and 35# Bear Walks.

This was fun....although my glutes always KILL after OH Lunges.

Anonymous said...

I had "Murph" this morning...and I have to salute this one. The sorest I've been the day OF a workout.

50+ min

and the honor of being the first CF'er to go past the 7:30am mark...thanks for pointing that out DH :)

Peter said...

24:xx RX, 5rds

Minxy said...

Damian, I would like to add to your argument (how people do things after crossfit where the only other time that they would seem like a good idea, is when you are drunk... ex. laying in parking lot). I argue that some of these exercises must have been thought up by a drunk person as well. I mean whoever thought that walking like a bear with weights was a good idea, must have been under the influence of something. I am just sayin....

E-Train said...

I got through round 1.5 of this workout before it started to rain & the mission was aborted....