Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10-1-08 WOD

21 One Arm KB Swings
15 Pull-Ups
9 Ring Dips
Run 200m


Danny said...

Is that a "couple" picture?

blackstone said...

No that's gotta be Charlie's sister or a girl that lost a horrible bet!

Minxy said...

I was dragging on this one..... 24 min (30#)

CrossFit Minnesota said...

I wanted to post a picture of Christina, one of, if not our most improved athlete. Like most of our CF women, taking a picture after the workout is not allowed and is a great way to get to compromise she wanted Charlie Murphy in it.

Christina works out over lunch with all of the Cops, Military guys, MMA fighters and general badasses. This has not slowed her down one bit. She NEVER misses a workout and has shown tremendous gains!

Great job Christina we are all proud of you!

Danny said...

Damian, you have learned how to say things about women very well... You should start a class on that when/if you have a free spot in the day.

Nice job Christina!!!

Anonymous said...

20:xx (30)

Anonymous said...

18:18 (Rx)